I never tween. But hey, I use sticks.
Wasn't too great. I wasn't sure about the whole song genre. I'm not sure it fitted the testings of this flash. It is obvious your frame-by-frame animation is smooth, but un-attractive and if you want any tips, it would be to improve your drawing skills for leisure. I know it was a test, but never the less, the test must SHOW something. I'm not sure if you were TRYING to show any type of fbf 'skill' or any type of story. I wasn't very appealed or amused. It was just on the front page... somehow. Oh well. At least Tom or the moderators thought this was interesting. But I know I certainly did not see this flash the same way as they did. Doing a frame by frame flash doesn't mean you have made any triumph. I never tween at all, but I don't get on the front page. This flash doesn't mean anything unless the frame by frame art is perfect 'the art of frame by frame is all that matters in frame by frame flashes'. The colour was terrible, whether you like it or not, I don't give a shit: it lost you stars. This was hardly appealing to me, just the fact that the music was purely annoying and the art was too dodgy and un-talented. Plus the horrible colour you used for every character. It's not hard to change the colour of the brush when you start a new character. This wasn't funny, action packed, exciting or partially interesting; I am still not sure whether I can classify this as a test. I'm 'sorry' if I have offended you at all, but at least you had the stone guts to post it. Congratulations on getting this flash to the frontpage, but that doesn't change this final result.: